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Showing 1-32 out of 135 items

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What is a dreidel?

The dreidel, known in Hebrew as a “sevivon” is a four-sided spinning top with Hebrew letters on the sides spelling the initial letters of “nes gadol hayah sham” – a great miracle happened there. In Israel, the last letter has been changed so that it reads, “a great miracle happened here.”

Reason for Dreidel

The source of the Chanukah dreidel is the story of the courageous children who continued to study Torah defying the wicked Greek soldiers. Whenever a soldier entered, they would quickly take out spinning tops and pretend they were harmlessly playing.

The Dreidel Today

Today, the dreidel fills a dual purpose. It is a harmless game that children and adults play together using raisins, candies or chocolate coins. The dreidel is also a magnificent item of Judaica proudly displayed year-round. Many people have started a dreidel collection and discovered the beauty of design and color that lies within the small spinning top.

The Dreidel at Canaan-Online

You will love the dreidels displayed on Canaan-Online. They are all attractive, colorful and purposeful – to be used for play or for decoration.

Beloved Dorit Judaica blends her hallmark pomegranates with gleaming Swarovski stones. Yealat Chen’s dreidels are full of life. Her vivid elaborate designs are eye-catching and meaningful. Adi Sidler strikes a contemporary note with his kinetic and coil dreidels and his impressive magnetic dreidel already resting in a lucite stand, ready for display. Unsurpassed is the dreidel created by Laura Cowan, based on her favorite theme - rockets and spaceships.

In conclusion

Enjoy spinning the dreidel as everyone sings together the traditional dreidel song, “I have a little dreidel. I made it out of clay. And when it’s dry and ready. Oh dreidel, I shall play...” Canaan-Online’s dreidels are made from quality materials – not clay – but they still arouse memories of delightful childhood melodies!

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