Decorative Dreidel with Stand, Jerusalem Images and Hebrew Song Words - Dorit Judaica

Decorative Dreidel with Stand, Jerusalem Images and Hebrew Song Words - Dorit Judaica

Decorative Dreidel with Stand, Jerusalem Images and Hebrew Song Words - Dorit Judaica

  • A colorful dreidel for spinning -crafted by Dorit Judaica
  • Around are words from the Chanukah song, Haneirot Halalu
  • In the center are charming images of Old City Jerusalem

Product Description

Join the customary dreidel playing with the family on Hanukkah after lighting the menorah. Beautifully crafted from wood and aluminum, Dorit Judaica presents us with a charming dreidel design filled with color and light. Belowved Jerusalem images are surrounded around the edge with Hebrew words from the Haneirot Halalu song.

Stands on a base for elegant display when not in use.

Origin of dreidel custom: At the time of the Hanukkah story, Torah study was forbidden. Young children hid and studies. When they were approached by a Green patrol, they quickly hid their scrolls and took out spinning tops, to show they were enjoying a harmless game!


Item #: DR-DSV-10
Artist: Dorit Judaica
Wood, Aluminum
Diameter: 3.5" / 9 cm
Total Height: 3" / 5 cm

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