Dorit Judaica Decorative Dreidel with Stand - Am Yisrael Chai

Dorit Judaica Decorative Dreidel with Stand - Am Yisrael Chai

Dorit Judaica Decorative Dreidel with Stand - Am Yisrael Chai

  • To play and display - a colorful dreidel from Dorit Judaica
  • Displaying a dove of peace, a star of David and song words

Product Description

Filling the surface of this wonderfully colorful dreidel from Dorit Judaica is a large multicolored Star of David, symbol of strength and Jewish identity. A dove of peace in the center clutches an olive branch, carrying the message of a yearning for peace. Around the rim are Hebrew words from the Haneirot Halalu song praising the Divine miracles that have saved us at all times.

Comes with matching stand for dreidel to stand as a display.

Origin of dreidel custom: At the time of the Hanukkah story, yung children defied the Greeks and secretly studied Torah. When approached by a Green patrol, they hid their scrolls and took out spinning tops, to show they were enjoying a harmless game!


Item #: DR-DSV-8
Artist: Dorit Judaica
Wood, Aluminum
Diameter: 3.5" / 9 cm
Total Height: 3" / 5 cm

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