Embroidered Matzah & Afikoman Cover, Sold Separately, Golden Jerusalem - Yair Emanuel

Embroidered Matzah & Afikoman Cover, Sold Separately, Golden Jerusalem - Yair Emanuel
Embroidered Matzah & Afikoman Cover, Sold Separately, Golden Jerusalem - Yair Emanuel
Embroidered Matzah & Afikoman Cover, Sold Separately, Golden Jerusalem - Yair Emanuel
Embroidered Matzah & Afikoman Cover, Sold Separately, Golden Jerusalem - Yair Emanuel

Embroidered Matzah & Afikoman Cover, Sold Separately, Golden Jerusalem - Yair Emanuel

$25.34 - $50.29

Product Description

You wont be able to take your eyes off this stunning Matzah Cover and Afikoman Bag. On pure silk, Yair Emanuel presents us with an amazing aerial view of Jerusalem embroidered in glowing gold, red and blue threads. "Pesach" is embroidered on the Matzah cover and "Afikoman" on the smaller bag.

Option: purchase as set or single items.

Usually ships in 4-5 business days


Artist: Emanuel Judaica
Raw Silk, Embroidery
Matzah Cover: 16" x 16"
Afikoman Bag: 12" x 8"

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