XL Half Polished Half Natural Yemenite Shofar

XL Half Polished Half Natural Yemenite Shofar
XL Half Polished Half Natural Yemenite Shofar
XL Half Polished Half Natural Yemenite Shofar
XL Half Polished Half Natural Yemenite Shofar
XL Half Polished Half Natural Yemenite Shofar
XL Half Polished Half Natural Yemenite Shofar
XL Half Polished Half Natural Yemenite Shofar
XL Half Polished Half Natural Yemenite Shofar

XL Half Polished Half Natural Yemenite Shofar

Staff Pick
$170.12 - $197.48

Product Description

DESCRIPTION: This awe inspiring Yemenite Shofar with its long spirals and dramatic half polished and half natural finish, will inspire all who see and hear it. It is odor-free and comes with Kosher certification.
SOUND: It will not take long until you produce the beloved rich reverberating sound for which the Yemenite Shofar is famous.
MEASUREMENT: Three options available. Note – length is the measurement of the outer curve not point to point.

Additional Items

Shofar Natural Perfume & Anti Odor Spray
Matching Velvet Shofar Bag
Lucite Yemenite Shofar Stand
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