Two Small Kiddush Cups for Junior - Decorative Design - Holds 100 mnl, Reviis

Two Small Kiddush Cups for Junior - Decorative Design - Holds 100 mnl, Reviis

Two Small Kiddush Cups for Junior - Decorative Design - Holds 100 mnl, Reviis

New arrival!
  • A charming kiddush cup designed just for young children
  • Perfect for Shabbat and especially for the Seder evening
  • Holds a revi'is – minimum halachic quantity - 100 ml

Product Description

Designed especially for the children, this set of two small kiddush cups will make the Shabbat table extra special for junior members of the family. Crafted from nickel plate, it is decorated with a smooth surface and a decorative band in the center. A great gift for the kids.

Holds the required 100 ml - revi'is.


Item #: PL-X118A
Height: 2.3" / 6 cm

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