Six Filigree Design Small Kiddush Cups with Matching Circular Tray - Filigree Design

Six Filigree Design Small Kiddush Cups with Matching Circular Tray - Filigree Design

Six Filigree Design Small Kiddush Cups with Matching Circular Tray - Filigree Design

  • Elegant and beautiful - six small silver plated kiddush cups
  • Standing on raised tray - all decorated with a filigree design

Product Description

Make your guests feel important by serving them kiddush wine in one of these six small cups on a stem.
Each one is beautifully inished with an intricate filigree design, making this a glittering addition to your table. The cups stand on a matching that has small feet at the base, giving the set a dignified look.


Item #: PL-P702T
Silver Plated
Height of each cup
2.8" / 7.2 cm

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