Raised Tempered Glass Challah Board, Colorful Floral Design - Dorit Judaica,

Raised Tempered Glass Challah Board, Colorful Floral Design - Dorit Judaica,

Raised Tempered Glass Challah Board, Colorful Floral Design - Dorit Judaica,

New arrival!
  • A tempered glass challah board to bring cheerful color to your Shabbat table
  • Decorated with a colorful floral design – raised on knobs on reverse side

Product Description

This tempered glass challah board will make the perfect engagement or wedding gift. Decorated with a multi-colored floral display, it displays in the center the words "Shabbat Shalom" in an ornate frame. On the reverse side, are small stainless steel knobs that give the board a dignified height.

Easy wipe clean surface.


Item #: DR-I-28
Artist: Dorit Judaica
Tempered Glass
Stainless Steel
Length: 15.7"/40 cm
Width: 10.4"/26.5 cm

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