Embroidered Colorful Challah Cover, Seven Species of Israel - Yair Emanuel

Embroidered Colorful Challah Cover, Seven Species of Israel - Yair Emanuel

Embroidered Colorful Challah Cover, Seven Species of Israel - Yair Emanuel

  • Yair Emanuel's Seven Species Challah Cover
  • With a rich embroidery display of the products
  • Will add interest and color to your Shabbat table

Product Description

Skillfully and elegantly, Yair Emanuel has embroidered the Seven Species of the Land of Israel on this Challah Cover in warm harmonious colors that blend and contrast tastefully. You will find them all – wheat, barley, grapes, dates, pomegranates, figs and olives with "Shabbat ve'Yom Tov in the center.

Usually ships in 3-4 business days.


Item #: YE-CME-9
Artist: Yair Emanuel
20" X 16"/ 50 cm X 40 cm

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