Embroidered Challah Cover, Pomegranates on Silver Design - Yair Emanuel

Embroidered Challah Cover, Pomegranates on Silver Design - Yair Emanuel

Embroidered Challah Cover, Pomegranates on Silver Design - Yair Emanuel

  • A Challah Cover with gleaming silver embroidery
  • Decorated with pomegranates in various shapes
  • In the center in Hebrew is "Shabbat veYom Tov"

Product Description

Surprise someone dear to you with this prestigious Challah Cover from Yair Emanuel. Richly embroidered with silver thread, it features variously sized pomegranates and leaves scattered over the fabric in a beautiful design. In the center, a framed "Shabbat veYom Tov" give a finishing touch.

Usually ships in 3-4 business days.


Item #: YE-CME-6S
Artist: Yair Emanuel
20" x 16" / 50 cm x 40 cm

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