Embroidered Challah Cover, Judaica Motifs - Yair Emanuel

Embroidered Challah Cover, Judaica Motifs - Yair Emanuel

Embroidered Challah Cover, Judaica Motifs - Yair Emanuel

  • A colorful Challah Cover for your Shabbat table
  • Embroidered with Jerusalem and Jewish motifs
  • Features Biblical verses referring to holy Shabbat
  • Delightful pomegranate base with swirls at base

Product Description

A Challah Cover that is a riot of delightful color! Yair Emanuel has embroidered here images of Jerusalem, pomegranates, birds and fish in delightful colors that blend and harmonize. Giving it a Shabbat flavor are two Biblical verses refer to the holiness and special joy of the Shabbat day.

Usually ships in 3-4 business days.


Item #: YE-CME-22
Artist: Yair Emanuel
20" X 16"/50 cm X 40 cm

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