Embroidered Challah Cover Forest Scene, Maroon - Yair Emanuel

Embroidered Challah Cover Forest Scene, Maroon - Yair Emanuel

Embroidered Challah Cover Forest Scene, Maroon - Yair Emanuel

  • A Challah Cover of eloquent beauty
  • A forest scene of trees and birds
  • Is delicately embroidered in maroon
  • With Hebrew words in the center

Product Description

This incredibly beautiful Challah cover features a full embroidery design in a rich shades-of-maroon. An intricate forest scene depicts love birds, pomegranates and trees and an interesting geometrical style frame. In the center are Hebrew words from the Bible, "And you shall call the Shabbat a delight."

Usually ships in 3-4 business days.


Item #: YE-CME-17M
Artist: Yair Emanuel
20" X 16"/50 cm X 40 cm

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