Shabbat Candlesticks
Showing 1-11 out of 11 items
- Stainless Steel Wand Menorah Lighter with Swirling Pomegranates - Dorit Judaica$20.39
- Shabbat Candlestick Tray - Dorit JudaicaWidth: 15"$111.89
- Sabbath Candle Blessing and Prayer, Lucite with Pink Flower Frame - Dorit Judaica$80.05New arrival!
- Small Shabbat Candlesticks with Colorful Jerusalem Design - Dorit Judaica$23.98
- Shabbat Candle Lighting Prayer Stand by Dorit$46.49
- Shabbat Candleholders with Prayer and Blessing, Colorful Flowers - Dorit Judaica$49.65New arrival!
- Delicate Filigree Lace Design Small Candlesticks - Dorit Judaica$35.25
- Small Shabbat Candlesticks Pomegranate Design, Red and Pink - Dorit Judaica$23.98
- Shabbat Candlesticks, Tall Flowers and Leaves in Black, White & Gray - Dorit Judaica$49.65New arrival!
- Small Shabbat Candlesticks Flower Design, Red and Gray - Dorit Judaica$27.77
- Tall Shabbat Candlesticks in Metal, Tall Colorful Flowers - Dorit Judaica$49.65New arrival!
Price Range