Artistic Sterling Silver Ring - Inside is Engraved "This Too Shall Pass"

Artistic Sterling Silver Ring - Inside is Engraved

Artistic Sterling Silver Ring - Inside is Engraved "This Too Shall Pass"


Product Description

Sometimes, life can be hard. Wear this ring of inspiration and encouragement or present it to a dear one. Crafted from 925 sterling silver, it features an elegant diagonal design on the outside and inside, on an oxidized silver surface, are etched the words in English, "This too shall pass".

Includes elegant gift box.

The words "This too shall pass" are reputed to date back to the days of King Solomon when he asked for a ring that would make a sad person happy and a happy person sad. His servant brought him a ring engraved with these meaningful words. Enjoy the good times when they last and know that hard times will not be forever.


Sterling silver
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