Charity Box with Cutout Pomegranates and Word Tzedakah, Silver and Blue - Yair Emanuel

Charity Box with Cutout Pomegranates and Word Tzedakah, Silver and Blue - Yair Emanuel

Charity Box with Cutout Pomegranates and Word Tzedakah, Silver and Blue - Yair Emanuel

New arrival!
  • Display this charity box - attractive enough to be part of your home décor
  • Pretty blue box overlaid with a silver cutout metal pomegranate motif

Product Description

With this charming charity box prominently displayed in your home, you make a statement: Giving charity is a priority. The delightful royal blue metal is overlaid on all sides with a silver metal work design featuring flowing pomegranate vines incorporating the Hebrew word "Tzedakah" – charity.

Shipping: Usually 3-4 business days.


Item #: YE-TZG-1
Artist:Emanuel Judaica
Height: 4.1" / 10.5 cm
Width: 2.9" /7.5 cm

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