Blue Embroidered Tallit & Tefillin bag Set, Multiple Stars of David - Yair Emanuel

Blue Embroidered Tallit & Tefillin bag Set, Multiple Stars of David - Yair Emanuel

Blue Embroidered Tallit & Tefillin bag Set, Multiple Stars of David - Yair Emanuel

$29.42 - $38.51

Product Description

Blue, color of spirituality, is the perfect background for this exciting embroidered Star of David design. The mystical star, Jewish symbol for centuries, is skillfully intertwined with diamonds, circles and other geometric shapes – displayed together on this fabric Tallit and Tefillin bag designed by Israeli artist, Yair Emanuel.
Tallit and Tefillin bag can be purchased as separate items.


Artist: Emanuel Judaica
Embroidered fabric
Tallit Bag: 14" x 12"
Tefillin Bag: 8" x 10"

Special Features

Embroider a name on Tallit Bag - (extra 4 days on delivery, price per letter)
You may choose to embroider either in Hebrew or English or both, the price is per letter
Embroider a name on Tefillin Bag (extra 4 days on delivery, price per letter)
You may choose to embroider either in Hebrew or English or both, the price is per letter

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