Acrylic Tallit Set with Gold Stripes and Menorah and Star of David Motif - Ateret

Acrylic Tallit Set with Gold Stripes and Menorah and Star of David Motif - Ateret
Acrylic Tallit Set with Gold Stripes and Menorah and Star of David Motif - Ateret
Acrylic Tallit Set with Gold Stripes and Menorah and Star of David Motif - Ateret
Acrylic Tallit Set with Gold Stripes and Menorah and Star of David Motif - Ateret

Acrylic Tallit Set with Gold Stripes and Menorah and Star of David Motif - Ateret

$38.51 - $54.71
  • For comfort and inspiration – a white acrylic tallit with gold stripes
  • A Star of David with a menorah motif decorates each of the corners
  • On the neckpiece is the tallit blessing in Hebrew with the motif

Product Description

Comfort, beauty and tradition meet with this easy-care comfortable acrylic prayer shawl Tallit. Majestic gold stripes decorate the white fabric with an inspiring gold motif – a 7-branch menorah within a Star of David – filling each corner and adding style to the neckpiece together with the Tallit blessing in Hebrew – all on gold fabric.

Complete set includes a matching kippah and bag for protection and storage.

Available in various sizes.


Designer: Ateret
Choice of sizes

Special Features

Techelet-Blue Thread (extra 4 days on delivery)
Handmade ashkenaz thick tzitzit (extra 4 days on delivery)
Handmade sefardi thick tzitzit (extra 4 days on delivery)
Handmade ashkenaz thin tzitzit (extra 4 days on delivery)
Handmade sefardi thin tzitzit (extra 4 days on delivery)
Embroider a name on Kippah - (extra 4 days on delivery, price per letter)
You may choose to embroider either in Hebrew or English or both, the price is per letter
Embroider a name on Tallit - (extra 4 days on delivery, price per letter)
You may choose to embroider either in Hebrew or English or both, the price is per letter
Embroider a name on Tallit Bag - (extra 4 days on delivery, price per letter)
You may choose to embroider either in Hebrew or English or both, the price is per letter

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